Casey Anthony and her father George Anthony reportedly did not speak for several years after her trial, according to People. He spoke out during an October 2019 episode of "The Dr. Oz Show" and said he wrote a letter to Casey, hoping for a fresh start.
"I just want to let her know how I felt," he said at the time. "I know of one thing I did say to her: 'I would love to see you and I would love for mom to know where you're at, how you're doing.'" He continued: "I said, 'Casey, no matter what, I'm still your dad and I love you.' That was hard for me, but I needed to get that from me because you can't move on if you keep on holding all these things inside, you need to be able to express yourself."
George made it clear he wants to move forward, adding, "Even though what she's done to Caylee, to her, and I or anyone else, I just wanted [her] to know that I was ready to forgive her. At least I wanted to see her and talk to her. No matter if it was an hour or five minutes or whatever, I just wanted to just see her."
Cindy does not speak to her daughter, according to a July 2019 Daily Mail report. Cindy said, "As much as I miss her and I love her I am dealing enough with my husband that I don't need her drama. I think about her all the time but my life is with George."